Update on Migrant & Homeless Families In Foxborough
Posted on 09/20/2023
OneFoxborough Donation Drive and Updateon migrant and homeless families in Foxborough
The OneFoxborough Donation Drive, aimed at supporting migrant and homeless families in Foxborough, is scheduled for Saturday, October 14, 2023, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Ahern Middle School. We are in need of the following items: Diapers/Pull-ups, Baby Wipes, Formula (NIDO), Tampons/Pads, New Children’s Underwear, New or Gently Worn Children’s Clothes, New or Gently Worn Adult Clothes, New or Gently Worn Winter Coats, New Socks, and Sneakers.
OneFoxborough represents a collaborative team effort involving various Town departments, including Human Services, Public Health, Public Safety, and the School Department, as well as valued partners such as the Hockomock YMCA, local churches, nonprofit organizations, and Foxborough's state representatives. Together, we are committed to ensuring a coordinated response to support the migrant and homeless families placed in Foxborough.
As of September 20, there are 29 hotel rooms in use, accommodating a total of 107 individuals. According to the Governor’s Office, additional families will be placed in the coming weeks. On Wednesday, September 13, members of the National Guard arrived in Foxborough to serve as onsite care coordinators, overseeing services such as food distribution, meeting basic needs, arranging transportation, and providing medical care. This temporary measure is in place as the state works towards finding a more permanent staffing solution. The National Guard will collaborate closely with the OneFoxborough team, as well as with the newly created state regional rapid response team, to facilitate information sharing and ensure coordinated services among all entities.
If you are interested in volunteering for the October 14th donation drive or wish to contribute in other ways, please complete our volunteer form. For additional information regarding the OneFoxborough Donation Drive, please contact Marc Craig at [email protected]. All updates and information related to migrant and homeless families in Foxborough can be found on the Town Manager’s page on the Town Website.