Welcome to Foxborough's Procurement Page: 

Here you will find resources, notifications, and the application process for those interested in doing business with the Town.

Mission Statement: 

The mission of the Procurement Department is to provide the departments within the Town of Foxborough contracts to obtain the goods and services they need to operate efficiently through an open, transparent and competitive bidding process. An open and transparent procurement process will increase competitiveness and ultimately result in lower prices for the goods and services being processed. It is the vision of the department to develop contracts for the majority of the Town’s needs either through Town bids or in partnerships with collaborative purchasing groups. This will allow the Town’s departments to reduce the number of emergency purchases and create greater efficiency in operations.

Registration Notification: 

Please note applicants will be required to submit contact information to access procurement documents.

Solicitation List: 

The Town is seeking quotes, proposals, and / or bids for the following projects. Please locate projects to the lefthand side of the screen under the "Procurement" section. To access the documents, registration will be required. 

  • (Active) -- Request for Quotes - Municipal Custodial Services: The Town is seeking quotes from experienced, qualified contractors off Massachusetts State Contract FAC114 to perform custodial services at three municipal buildings. Funding for the first year of the contract shall be contingent upon approval at the 2025 Annual Town Meeting. All interested quoters must attend at least one mandatory site visit. Site visits will be held on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, at 10:00 AM and Tuesday, April 8th, 2025, at 10:00 AM. Interested quoters may attend either session and are not required to attend both. All quotes and supporting documentation must be submitted by Tuesday, April 22, 2025 and include the referenced project title "2521RFQ192 - Municipal Custodial Services". Quotes may be emailed to Procurement Administrator, Olivia Alves at oalves@foxboroughma.gov, or physical copies can be mailed in a sealed envelope to the Office of the Town Manager, Town Hall - 2nd Floor, 40 South Street, Foxborough, MA 02035. All interested contractors can access the procurement documents by clicking on the "RFQ Municipal Custodial Services Documents" link to the left under Procurement.

Contact Us:


Olivia Alves
Procurement Administrator


40 South Street
Foxborough, MA 02035





Quick Links & Guides:


Town employees should contact Olivia Alves at 508-543-1211 for any additional procurement forms or questions regarding any procurement forms.