Tobacco Law:

The State of Massachusetts Tobacco Law: Minimum Standards for Retail Sale of Tobacco and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (105 CMR 665.000) went into effect on March 6, 2020.  These regulations placed certain restriction on non-age restricted retail establishments (i.e. convenience stores, gas stations, liquor stores, etc.)

Foxborough permitted tobacco retail establishments can better understand the restrictions by reviewing MA's Where and What Tobacco Products Can Be Sold in Massachusetts chart.

Also, as a non-age restricted retail establishment, our permitted tobacco establishments are required to post a series of signs.  Health Inspectors, during routine tobacco inspections, will be confirming these signs are posted.  Failure to have these required signs posted may result in notices of violations and/or monetary fines issued to the permittee. Find out what signs are required in Massachusetts for Tobacco Retail Establishments by 105 CMR 665. The Foxborough Health Department has copies of all required signs. Reach out to us to see if we have extras! They are also available (for free) on the Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse.

The Foxborough Health Department also encourages all tobacco retail staff to take part in this free online training that teaches employees how to check the ID of a customer who wants to buy tobacco products (available in multiple languages).

Be Informed:

Tobacco can affect your health in many ways. In 2020, the Surgeon General Report reported on what tobacco can do to the body and how quitting plays a role in your overall health. Learn more by reviewing Smoking Cessation by the Numbers: A Report of the Surgeon General |

On September 11, 2019, Commissioner Bharel declared that all possible cases of unexplained e-cigarette or vaping-associated pulmonary disease are now considered REPORTABLE to the State DPH. Review the full statement for details. 

Campaign Against SMOKING:

The Massachusetts Get Outraged! campaign helps parents, caregivers, and guardians understand the facts around e-cigarettes and vapes, as well as provides tools on how to talk to their kids about vaping and resources on how to help youth quit.

Some other campaigns include:


Commit to Quit:

There are MANY avenues you can turn to if you are thinking about quitting. Find the one that will work for you!