
For the latest recalls on FOOD and other FDA regulated products, visit: Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts | FDA

For all other recalls (i.e. everyday consumer products, motor vehicles, etc.), visit:

Residential Kitchen Info

We often receive phone calls from Residents inquiring about operating a Residential Kitchen within their home.  The State's Food Code does allow Residential Kitchen operations and have provided a series of comprehensive guidance documents to assist prospective operators in muddling through the requirements. For more info, please visit: MA DPH Residential Kitchen Operation Guidance

After reading the links above, if you are still interested in starting a Residential Kitchen, complete and submit to us the "Food Service Establishment" application.  After the application review, we will contact for any follow up questions and to set up a pre-operational inspection.

Bake Sale Information

The Bake Sale Application should be completed and submitted to this Office prior to the event.  It is for informational purposes only and allows our Staff to speak to the Coordinator of the event regarding the do's and don'ts of a Bake Sale.  There is never a fee!

There is VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION and REQUIREMENTS attached to the application.  Follow these requirements carefully and contact us with any questions.

Consumer Food Safety

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has an exuberant amount of information (and great videos!!!) for consumers on a plethora of food safety topics including;

The list goes on and on! Learn more about Consumer Food Safety topics and the MA Partnership for Food Safety Education