Pratt School Invitation for Bid
Posted on 10/10/2023
Pratt School Invitation for BidPratt School - Invitation to Bid
The Town of Foxborough requests sealed bids for Disposal of Real Property – Pratt School. The Pratt School building and property is located at 14 Community Way, Assessors MAP ID -097-lot 10, and is governed by R-40 zoning. The Select Board voted to restrict the reuse of this property to use as a single-family dwelling. The building is being sold “As-Is”. The Town makes no warrantees to the condition of the building or any of its systems or building materials.

At the May 2023 Annual Town Meeting, Article 19 - Disposition of the Pratt School, was approved to authorize the Select Board to declare to property available for disposition and to identify reuse restrictions, if any, and/or a minimum purchase price. 

In accordance with the recommendation of the Town’s Asset Review Committee (TARC) the Board decided to solicit bids to sell the property to the highest bidder. To encourage further interest in the property and not to restrict interest or financial viability of the disposition the Board decided not to establish a specified minimum price and not to require preservation of the building or its façade.  The reuse of the property falls under R-40 zoning and will be restricted, by deed restriction,  to a single family dwelling thereunder.  Because of the age of the existing building the property is subject to the requirements of the Town’s Demolition Code.  

All applicants are required to submit contact information to access bid documents