Annual Town Census:

Foxborough residents receive the Annual Town Census forms in the mail in January of each year.  Residents are urged to check the information contained on the form, make any necessary corrections or additions, and sign and return it to the Town Clerk's office in the enclosed envelope as soon as possible.

The information should be current as of January 1st.  Please return your census form even if there are no changes or if you will be moving after January 1st.  Also, if you are a dog owner, you may use this detachable form located at the bottom of the census to relicense your dog.


  1. It is the law (M.G.L. Chapter 51, Section 4).

  2. It is used to create the annual street list.

  3. It is used to assist public safety and emergency responders.

  4. It is used to apply for grants.

  5. It is used to assist the Town and State in calculating state and federal aid.

  6. It is used to project future school enrollment and costs.

  7. It is used to create the voter list - if you are a voter and do not respond in 2 election cycles, you will be made inactive on the voting list.

  8. It serves as proof of residency which residents need to qualify for veteran's benefits and in-state tuition at state schools.

  9. Failure of residents to fill out and return census could lead to the state's losing a representative in Congress as well as Federal funds.

Anyone who does not receive a census form or moves into town after January should contact the Town Clerk's office at 508-543-1208 so that we can send you a census form.  You may also download and print a Census Form here.