Foxborough Power Forward New Electricity Rates
Posted on 10/02/2024

Foxborough Power Forward prices lowering in November

FOXBOROUGH, MA. Prices for Foxborough Power Forward, Foxborough’s group electricity buying program, will lower in November for all participants. Most participants will also see savings compared with National Grid’s current electricity supply prices. The price change will happen as the current electricity supply contract with Direct Energy ends and a new, 24-month contract with First Point Power goes into effect. 

The new, lower prices for both options in Foxborough Power Forward are as follows: 

Power Forward Standard – 13.727 ¢/kWh. This new price is almost 3 cents/kWh lower than the current price of 16.74 ¢/kWh. Most participants are enrolled in the Power Forward Standard option.

Power Forward Green – 16.607 ¢/kWh. The new price is more than 3 cents/kWh lower than the current price of 19.74 ¢/kWh and will continue to provide electricity that is 100% from new renewable sources in the New England region. 

Both prices are fixed until November 2026.

Foxborough Power Forward already has a track record of providing measurable value to the community. Since launching in 2017, the program has saved participants more than $6.5 million compared with National Grid’s electricity supply prices. A majority of participants will continue to save this fall. The new price for Power Forward Standard is lower than National Grid’s prices for both residential (16.055 ¢/kWh) and commercial (14.823 ¢/kWh) customers. However, because National Grid’s prices will change on February 1, 2025, and their future prices are unknown, savings compared with National Grid beyond that date cannot be guaranteed.

No action is required for current Foxborough Power Forward participants to take advantage of the new prices. All active program participants will be automatically enrolled into the lower price for their current program option with their November 2024 meter read, with the price and First Point Power appearing on the bill in December. 

Participants are free to choose a different program option or leave the program with no penalty or fee. Those who wish to make a change before the new prices take effect should submit their request no later than 14 days before their November 2024 meter read date, which can be found on their National Grid electric bill received in October. 

Foxborough Power Forward is a group electricity buying program from the Town of Foxborough for Foxborough residents and businesses. The program offers long-term, stable pricing, which protects against seasonal price spikes, and consumer protections, including the ability to leave the program at any time with no fee or penalty. Participants receive a Foxborough Power Forward price for the electricity supply charge on their bills. National Grid’s delivery charges are not impacted. 

To enroll, make changes to enrollment, or get more information, the public is encouraged to visit the program website at or contact customer support with Foxborough’s program consultants at 1-844-241-8596.