Fall Hydrant Flushing Begins
Posted on 09/25/2024

Fall Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant Flushing is here! Keep an eye out for crews around town flushing hydrants to keep our water clean and fresh! You may experience brief low pressure or slight discoloration, but don’t worry — it’s totally normal.

Hydrant flushing is the process of opening fire hydrants to let water flow through the pipes. This helps remove any built-up sediment, dirt, and rust that can accumulate in the water mains over time. The goal is to keep the water clean and fresh by ensuring the system is working properly.

Flushing also allows the town to check that fire hydrants are functioning correctly, ensuring they're ready for emergencies. While it may cause temporary water discoloration, this is normal and doesn't pose a health risk. Simply run your cold water for a few minutes, and it should clear up.

Regular hydrant flushing is essential for maintaining water quality and system reliability. It’s an important part of keeping your water supply safe and your fire protection systems fully operational.

Questions? Contact the DPW's Water & Sewer Division at 508-543-1209

Want to know when your street is up next? Check the link below for the schedule and maps!