South St. Construction - Sprague Rd to Witch Pond
Posted on 08/14/2023
South St. Construction- Sprague Rd. to Witch Pond mapSouth Street Construction - Beginning end of August
Sprague Road Well to Witch Pond Water Main Project 

Construction of new raw water transmission main from the Sprague Road well site to the Witch Pond treatment plant will begin in approximately two weeks. Connecting these wells to the existing treatment plant will provide improved water quality to Foxborough water customers.

The project is anticipated to take 18 months to complete.  No full road closures are anticipated at this time, but daily single lane closures are expected in the construction area.  Periodic project updates will be provided via the DPW webpage or you may call the DPW at 508-543-1228 for more information. Detailed plans and a full map of the project area can be found below. 

We appreciate your patience for any disruption this may cause as we endeavor to improve overall water quality in our community.  

South Street-Sprague Road to Witch Pond Water Main Plans
Map of Project Area