Our Health Inspectors will use terminology that comes directly from the State Housing Code. Here are a few terms you may hear them say or see on an inspection report related to rental units:
Regulation Term: Common Used Term:
Owner ------------------------------------> Landlord,
Occupant --------------------------------> Tenant, Renter
Dwelling ---------------------------------> Apartment, Rental Unit
All occupants have the right to safe and healthy housing. If your landlord is not addressing an issue, we may be able to help.
You have the right to a comprehensive inspection from the Foxborough Health Department. During a comprehensive inspection we not only inspect the issue you called about, but we will also inspect your dwelling and all common areas for compliance with the State Sanitary Housing Code.
To file a complaint:If you've already spoken or have tried to reach out to the owner of the property about an issue, and the owner has done nothing to resolve it, call the Foxborough Health Department Office at (508) 543-1207. Your contact information, where you live, and your concern will be recorded and forwarded to one of our housing inspectors. You can expect a call back from our inspector at which time they may ask for additional information about the issue and will schedule an inspection if one is requested or warranted.
Inspection Process:It is important to understand that our inspectors can only inspect per the standards outlined in the State Sanitary Housing Code. Our inspectors must also observe the violation and cannot site a violation on an occupant photo alone.
Violations Against the Owner:If violations against the owner are found, a correction order will be sent via certified mail to the owner of the property. This correction order will also detail all timeframes the owner has to correct the violations. A copy will be sent to the occupant as well for their reference.
Violations Against the Occupant:
The State Sanitary Housing Code also sets forth standards and responsibilities required of the occupant. This includes, but it not limited to, maintaining the dwelling unit in a sanitary condition, maintaining the dwelling unit's means of egress free from obstruction, etc. If our Inspector observes a violation against the occupant, a correction order will also be sent to the occupant and the violation(s) will need to be corrected as well.
The State of Massachusetts has developed this
"Summary of Occupant Rights and Responsibilities" (available in 9 different languages).
For legal assistance, you can reach out to
MetroWest Legal Services, (508) 620-1830 who offer free civil legal aid to low income, elderly, disabled people, and victims of crime. Check out their website to
see if you qualify or to find a variety of